Sameer Sameer is a travel blogger and is working with University of Delhi.

10 Hidden Treasures of Delhi’s National Museum

10 Hidden Treasures of Delhi’s National Museum

Delhi’s National Museum is a treasure trove of Indian history and culture. While many visitors flock to the popular monuments in the city, the National Museum holds some hidden gems that are often overlooked. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 hidden treasures of Delhi’s National Museum that every history enthusiast must see.

Step back in time and explore the ancient Indus Valley Civilization at the Harappan Civilization Gallery. Marvel at the artifacts, including pottery, jewelry, and sculptures, that provide insights into one of the world’s oldest urban civilizations.

2. Ashoka’s Lion Capital

One of the most iconic symbols of India, Ashoka’s Lion Capital, can be found at the National Museum. This ancient sculpture, dating back to the Mauryan Empire, features four lions standing back to back, symbolizing power, courage, and unity.

3. Gupta Period Sculptures

The Gupta Period, often referred to as the Golden Age of India, witnessed remarkable advancements in art and culture. The National Museum houses a collection of exquisite Gupta period sculptures that showcase the mastery of Indian sculptors during this era.

4. Mughal Miniature Paintings

Delve into the world of Mughal art through the museum’s collection of miniature paintings. These intricate artworks depict scenes from royal courts, battles, and everyday life, providing a glimpse into the opulence and grandeur of the Mughal Empire.

Discover the serene beauty of Buddhist art at the National Museum’s Buddhist Art Gallery. From ancient sculptures to intricate thangka paintings, this gallery showcases the rich spiritual heritage of Buddhism in India.

6. Indus Valley Civilization Seals

Unearth the secrets of the Indus Valley Civilization through the collection of seals at the National Museum. These seals, adorned with intricate carvings, offer valuable insights into the trade, script, and social structure of this ancient civilization.

Take a journey through the history of Indian currency at the Coins and Currency Gallery. From ancient punch-marked coins to the modern rupee, this gallery showcases the evolution of Indian money and its significance in shaping the country’s economy.

Experience the rich textile heritage of India at the National Museum’s Textile Gallery. Admire the intricate weaves, vibrant colors, and exquisite embroidery of traditional Indian textiles, showcasing the craftsmanship and cultural diversity of the country.

9. Bronze Sculptures

The National Museum houses a remarkable collection of bronze sculptures from different periods of Indian history. These sculptures, ranging from the Chola dynasty to the Vijayanagara Empire, highlight the artistic brilliance and religious devotion of ancient India.

10. Manuscripts and Paintings

Immerse yourself in the world of ancient Indian manuscripts and paintings at the National Museum. From illuminated manuscripts to illustrated folios, this collection offers a glimpse into the rich literary and artistic traditions of India.

Visiting the National Museum in Delhi is like embarking on a journey through India’s rich and diverse history. These hidden treasures provide a deeper understanding of the country’s cultural heritage and are a must-see for any history lover.

National Museum

🏛️🔍🇮🇳 10 Hidden Treasures of Delhi’s National Museum