Sameer Sameer is a travel blogger and is working with University of Delhi.

Discovering the Art of Spice Blending in Old Delhi

Discovering the Art of Spice Blending in Old Delhi

Delhi, the vibrant capital of India, is not only known for its rich history and magnificent monuments, but also for its tantalizing cuisine. One of the most fascinating aspects of Delhi’s culinary heritage is its art of spice blending. In the bustling streets of Old Delhi, you can embark on a sensory journey, exploring the aromatic world of spices that have been an integral part of Indian cuisine for centuries.

The Spice Market of Old Delhi


As you step into the narrow lanes of Old Delhi, the air is filled with an intoxicating aroma that beckons you to the spice market. Khari Baoli, Asia’s largest spice market, is a bustling hub where traders from all over India come to buy and sell an incredible variety of spices. The market is a riot of colors, with sacks of vibrant turmeric, fiery red chili powder, fragrant cardamom, and many more spices piled high.

The Art of Spice Blending


In Old Delhi, spice blending is not just a culinary technique; it’s an art form passed down through generations. The skilled spice merchants, known as “masalchis,” have an innate understanding of the flavors and aromas of different spices. They meticulously blend various spices in precise proportions to create the perfect balance of taste and aroma.

Exploring the Spice Blending Workshops


To truly immerse yourself in the art of spice blending, you can visit one of the many workshops in Old Delhi. Here, you can witness the masalchis in action, grinding and mixing spices with traditional tools and techniques. They will share their knowledge and secrets, teaching you about the medicinal properties of spices and the art of creating unique spice blends.

Unleashing Your Inner Spice Connoisseur


After learning about the art of spice blending, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge to the test. Visit one of the traditional spice shops in Old Delhi, where you can find an array of freshly ground spice blends. From the fiery “garam masala” to the fragrant “chaat masala,” each blend has its own distinct flavor profile. Experiment with different spices and create your own unique blend to take home as a delicious souvenir.



Exploring the art of spice blending in Old Delhi is a sensory adventure that allows you to delve into the rich flavors and aromas of Indian cuisine. From the bustling spice market to the workshops and traditional spice shops, every step of the journey is an opportunity to learn, taste, and create. So, embark on this culinary exploration and discover the magic of spice blending in the heart of Delhi.

Spice Market

Discovering the Art of Spice Blending in Old Delhi