Sameer Sameer is a travel blogger and is working with University of Delhi.

The Best Monsoon Getaways Near Bengaluru

The Best Monsoon Getaways Near Bengaluru

Bengaluru, the Silicon Valley of India, is known for its bustling IT industry and vibrant city life. However, during the monsoon season, the city transforms into a lush green paradise, offering a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle. If you’re looking for a quick getaway to enjoy the monsoon showers, here are the best monsoon getaways near Bengaluru.

1. Coorg

Nestled amidst the Western Ghats, Coorg is a picturesque hill station that comes alive during the monsoon season. The lush coffee plantations, cascading waterfalls, and mist-covered mountains create a mesmerizing landscape. Don’t miss a visit to Abbey Falls and the famous coffee estates.


2. Chikmagalur

Known as the “Coffee Land of Karnataka,” Chikmagalur is a haven for nature lovers. The monsoon season brings out the true beauty of this place, with its rolling hills, dense forests, and gushing waterfalls. Treat yourself to a cup of freshly brewed coffee while enjoying the serene surroundings.


3. Wayanad

Located in Kerala, just a few hours’ drive from Bengaluru, Wayanad is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts. The monsoon season adds an extra charm to this already beautiful destination, with its misty mountains, lush green forests, and sparkling waterfalls. Explore the ancient Edakkal Caves and take a boat ride in the serene Pookode Lake.


4. Shivanasamudra Falls

Situated on the banks of the Kaveri River, Shivanasamudra Falls is a majestic waterfall that is a sight to behold during the monsoon season. The gushing water, surrounded by lush greenery, creates a breathtaking view. Take a boat ride to get closer to the falls and feel the mist on your face.

Shivanasamudra Falls

5. Nandi Hills

Just a short drive from Bengaluru, Nandi Hills is a popular destination for a quick monsoon getaway. The mist-covered hills, cool breeze, and panoramic views make it an ideal place to relax and rejuvenate. Don’t forget to catch the sunrise or sunset from the viewpoint.

Nandi Hills

6. Hogenakkal Falls

Located on the border of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, Hogenakkal Falls is often referred to as the “Niagara Falls of India.” The monsoon season brings the falls to life, with its roaring waters and lush green surroundings. Take a coracle ride to experience the power of the falls up close.

Hogenakkal Falls

7. Munnar

Situated in the Western Ghats of Kerala, Munnar is a popular hill station known for its tea plantations and misty mountains. During the monsoon season, the entire region turns into a green carpet, with waterfalls cascading down the hills. Take a leisurely stroll through the tea gardens and enjoy the cool weather.


8. Jog Falls

Located in the Shimoga district of Karnataka, Jog Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in India. The monsoon season is the best time to witness the falls in all its glory, as the water gushes down from a height of 830 feet. Enjoy the breathtaking view from the viewpoint and feel the mist on your face.

Jog Falls

9. Agumbe

Known as the “Cherrapunji of the South,” Agumbe receives one of the highest rainfall in India. The monsoon season turns this small village into a lush green paradise, with its dense rainforests and mist-covered hills. Explore the Agumbe Rainforest Research Station and spot various species of flora and fauna.


10. Sakleshpur

Located in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, Sakleshpur is a hidden gem that comes alive during the monsoon season. The verdant hills, coffee plantations, and gushing streams create a serene and tranquil atmosphere. Take a trek to the beautiful Manjarabad Fort and enjoy the panoramic views.


So, if you’re in Bengaluru and want to escape the city’s chaos during the monsoon season, these getaways are perfect for a rejuvenating experience. Pack your bags, put on your raincoat, and get ready to embrace the beauty of nature in its full glory.


The Best Monsoon Getaways Near Bengaluru