Sameer Sameer is a travel blogger and is working with University of Delhi.

The History Behind Bengaluru’s Famous Street Names

The History Behind Bengaluru’s Famous Street Names

Bengaluru, the Silicon Valley of India, is a city that seamlessly blends modernity with its rich historical past. As you wander through its bustling streets, you may come across some intriguing names that have a story to tell. These street names are a reflection of Bengaluru’s vibrant history and the people who shaped it. Join me on a journey to uncover the history behind Bengaluru’s famous street names.

1. MG Road (Mahatma Gandhi Road)

One of the most iconic streets in Bengaluru, MG Road is named after the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. This bustling thoroughfare is not only a commercial hub but also a reminder of India’s struggle for independence. It serves as a constant reminder of the values of non-violence and freedom that Mahatma Gandhi stood for.

MG Road

2. Cubbon Road

Cubbon Road, named after Sir Mark Cubbon, is a prominent street in Bengaluru that is known for its lush greenery and architectural marvels. Sir Mark Cubbon was the British Commissioner of Mysore during the 19th century and played a significant role in the development of the city. Today, Cubbon Road is home to several government buildings, including the majestic Vidhana Soudha.

Cubbon Road

3. Brigade Road

Brigade Road, a popular shopping destination in Bengaluru, gets its name from the British Army’s Brigade of Guards. During the colonial era, this road was used by the British soldiers for their parades and drills. Today, Brigade Road is a bustling hub of activity, lined with trendy boutiques, cafes, and entertainment venues.

Brigade Road

4. Residency Road

Residency Road, as the name suggests, was the location of the British Residency during the colonial era. The Residency served as the official residence of the British Resident, who was the political agent of the British East India Company. Today, Residency Road is a commercial hub, dotted with offices, hotels, and restaurants.

Residency Road

5. Richmond Road

Richmond Road, named after Sir Stewart Richmond, is a prominent street in Bengaluru that connects the city’s central business district with the residential areas. Sir Stewart Richmond was the British Chief Commissioner of Coorg and played a crucial role in the development of the region. Today, Richmond Road is known for its upscale residential complexes and commercial establishments.

Richmond Road

6. St. Mark’s Road

St. Mark’s Road, named after St. Mark’s Cathedral, is a bustling street in Bengaluru that is known for its vibrant mix of commercial and residential spaces. The street derives its name from the iconic St. Mark’s Cathedral, which is one of the oldest churches in Bengaluru. St. Mark’s Road is a popular destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment.

St. Mark's Road

7. Avenue Road

Avenue Road, as the name suggests, is a road lined with avenues of trees, offering a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. This historic street is known for its bookstores, where you can find a treasure trove of books on various subjects. Avenue Road is a paradise for book lovers and a testament to Bengaluru’s love for literature.

Avenue Road

8. Commercial Street

Commercial Street, as the name implies, is a bustling commercial hub in Bengaluru that is known for its vibrant shopping scene. This street is lined with shops selling a wide range of products, from clothing and accessories to electronics and household items. Commercial Street is a shopaholic’s paradise and a reflection of Bengaluru’s thriving economy.

Commercial Street

9. Infantry Road

Infantry Road, named after the infantry regiments of the British Indian Army, is a historic street in Bengaluru that is known for its colonial-era buildings and landmarks. This road was once home to the British military barracks and played a significant role in the city’s defense during the colonial era. Today, Infantry Road is a bustling commercial and residential area.

Infantry Road

10. Old Airport Road

Old Airport Road, as the name suggests, was the location of the old airport in Bengaluru. This road served as the gateway to the city for several decades before the new airport was built. Today, Old Airport Road is a major thoroughfare that connects various parts of the city and is lined with residential complexes, offices, and commercial establishments.

Old Airport Road


Bengaluru’s famous street names are not just a collection of words; they are a window into the city’s rich history and the people who shaped it. As you explore these streets, take a moment to appreciate the stories they hold and the legacy they represent. Bengaluru’s streets are more than just a means to get from one place to another; they are a journey through time.


The History Behind Bengaluru’s Famous Street Names