Sameer Sameer is a travel blogger and is working with University of Delhi.

Why UPSC Interview Is More Than Just Q&A

Why UPSC Interview Is More Than Just Q&A

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) interview is the final stage of the rigorous selection process for the prestigious civil services in India. While it may seem like a simple question and answer session, the UPSC interview is much more than that. It is a test of not only knowledge but also personality, character, and decision-making abilities. In this blog post, we will explore why the UPSC interview holds such significance and why it is more than just Q&A.

1. Personality Assessment

The UPSC interview panel aims to assess the personality traits of the candidates. They look for qualities like confidence, leadership, communication skills, and the ability to handle pressure. The interviewers analyze the candidate’s body language, tone of voice, and overall demeanor to gauge their suitability for administrative roles.

2. Testing Decision-Making Skills

The UPSC interview includes situational questions that test the candidate’s ability to make quick and effective decisions. The panel presents hypothetical scenarios and evaluates how the candidate analyzes the situation, considers different perspectives, and arrives at a logical conclusion. This aspect of the interview helps determine if the candidate possesses the necessary judgment and critical thinking skills required for civil services.

3. Assessing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a crucial aspect of being an effective civil servant. The UPSC interview panel assesses the candidate’s emotional intelligence by observing their empathy, self-awareness, and ability to handle interpersonal relationships. They look for candidates who can understand and connect with people from diverse backgrounds and handle sensitive situations with tact and diplomacy.

4. Testing General Awareness

While the UPSC interview is not solely focused on testing knowledge, it does include questions to assess the candidate’s general awareness. The panel expects candidates to have a broad understanding of national and international affairs, current events, and issues of significance. This helps determine if the candidate is well-informed and capable of staying updated with the ever-changing world.

5. Evaluating Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for civil servants who need to interact with people from various backgrounds and convey information clearly. The UPSC interview evaluates the candidate’s communication skills, including their ability to articulate thoughts, express ideas concisely, and engage in meaningful conversations. The panel looks for candidates who can communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally.


The UPSC interview is a comprehensive evaluation process that goes beyond mere question and answer sessions. It assesses the candidate’s personality, decision-making skills, emotional intelligence, general awareness, and communication abilities. Aspiring civil servants must prepare not only academically but also holistically to excel in this crucial stage of the selection process. So, if you are aiming for a career in the civil services, remember that the UPSC interview is more than just Q&A; it is an opportunity to showcase your overall suitability for the role.


Why UPSC Interview Is More Than Just Q&A